"Ninth Annual Grape Escape"

Date: Thursday, April 17, 2014
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: HASR Wine Company

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"Ninth Annual Grape Escape"

HASR Wine Company
31 No. Pauahi Street
Honolulu  HI  96813
Phone:  535-9436

See attached map.  Parking entrance to the underground Municipal Parking lot is from Beretania Street only.

For more information, visit their website at www.hasrwineco.com.

Cost:  $32.00 for HEPC Member
         $32.00 for HEPC Member's Guest
         Includes Wine and Pizza (from HASR Bistro)

RSVP by Friday, April 11, 2014, or until full.  Reply ASAP since space is LIMITED.

RSVP to:  Stephanie Asato, Tel No. 694-6596, Fax 694-6587 OR email

 ___ Yes, I will be attending.  Enclosed is my check payable to HEPC for $______________

Guest Name(s)______________________________________ ($32.00)


Mail your check and registration form to:  Stephanie Asato, c/o Bank of Hawaii, Kahala Private Client Service, CC#866, P. O. Box 3170, Honolulu  HI  96802.



Member's Name (Print)                                                                   Phone Number

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