The Impact of Climate Change On Hawai'i In the 21st Century

Date: Thursday, February 9, 2017
Time: 5:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: Stan Sheriff Center-Ewa Hospitality Suite, UH Manoa
Speaker: Dr. Charles

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Time:     5:00 pm - Cocktails
              5:30 pm - Taco Buffet
              5:50 pm - 6:45 pm - Program

Speaker:  Dr. Charles "Chip" Fletcher
                 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Professor of Geology & Geophysics
                 School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology

Topic:   "The Impact of Climate Change on Hawai'i In the 21st Century"

Game:   7:00 UH Men’s Basketball game -  UH Rainbow Warriors vs Cal Poly
                               (Game tickets are limited and will be reserved
                                        in the order your RSVP is received.)

Members:  Complimentary buffet, admission to game and 1 cocktail (choice of wine, beer or soda)

Guest fee:  $30 (limit one guest per member)

Directions:  See attached flyer.  Parking will not be hosted.

RSVP by:   Wednesday, February 1, 2017 OR
until all seating and basketball tickets are filled
Call 521-4015, opt.1 OR E-mail

HEPC member attending meeting:     Yes        No       (circle one)       Basketball Game?        Yes        No       (circle one)

Guest Name(1 limit):   ____________________________  Attending Game:  Yes      No     (circle one)

Please send guest fees ($30.00 per) payable to:  HEPC, P. O. Box 1227, Honolulu, HI 96807

____________________________________                      ____________________________
Member's Name                                                              Phone Number

Any member or guest who makes a reservation and fails to attend will be assessed a $30 no-show fee.

See Upcoming Event Calendar