20th Annual HEPC Golf Tournament

Date: Monday, August 14, 2023
Time: 9:30am - 8:00pm
Location: Oahu Country Club, 150 Country Club Drive, Honolulu HI 96817

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Check-In:  9:30 a.m.
First Tee Time:  10:56 a.m.  (6 tee times)

19th Hole:  5:00 p.m. at Nice Day Chinese Seafood Restaurant
                  1425 Liliha Street, Honolulu  HI  96817
                  Phone:  808-595-3256

RSVP DEADLINE:  August 7, 2023 (Monday) or all 24 spots are filled

Cost includes:  Golf / Cart fee, Prizes for Closest to the Hole, Blind Team Draw and heavy pupus at 19th Hole at Nice Day Chinese Seafood Restaurant.  BYOB (no corkage fee at Nice Day)

ATTIRE:   Collar Shirt & Soft Spike Shoes required

QUESTIONS:  Contact Daniel Vermillion at 808-521-9219 or email dvermillion@cades.com

We welcome any type of donations (golf balls, caps, towels, umbrella, gift cards, cash, etc.) from all HEPC members even if you are unable to join us.  There are also sponsorship opportunities for Long Drive and Closest to the Hole.

- - - - - - - - - -- - - - -  CUT HERE - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - -  CUT HERE - - - - - - - - -


Print Your Name:  _________________________________________________

Established handicap __________     or rough Handicap __________   for blind pairing purposes

Guest Name:  _________________________________________________

Established handicap __________     or rough Handicap __________   for blind pairing purposes

Yes, I would like to donate prizes.  Please contact me or ______________________ for pick up.

      #________ @ $115                         $__________
      #________ @ $115 Guest              $__________
      #________ @ $55 OCC member    $__________

                    Total Enclosed      $________

Mail registration form and check payable to "HAWAII ESTATE PLANNING COUNCIL" to:

Daniel Vermillion
1000 Bishop Street, Suite 1200
Honolulu,  HI  96813

See Upcoming Event Calendar